Parenting Weekends


Parenting Weekends is a Series co-hosted by God’s Character,  Me Too Moments for Moms and My Divine Blessings.  In this series we invite writers to share their parenting tips, tricks and experiences on various topics.

If you are interested in writing for the Parenting Weekends please comment below or email Me, Tanya, at Please note that all posts must be submitted by the 24th of the previous month that you wish to write for.

Upcoming Themes

December 2015: How to raise compassionate children
This world has a lot of pain and suffering. How can we raise our children not only to feel saddened by the pain that others feel, but also to reach out to help others?

Past Themes

(click the title to see all the post on that topic)

March 2015: Building Responsibility in Children
How do you build responsibility in your children? Share the different areas and ways in which you teach your children to be responsible.

April 2015: Setting Boundaries vs Stiffling Individuality
As parents we need to set boundaries to keep our children safe and to help guide them. In setting those boundaries we have to be careful to do it in such a way that we don’t suppress our children’s individuality. We have to hold them but not squeeze them.

May 2015: Helping Children Build A Strong Sense Of Self Worth
Everyone is special and precious. Our worth does not depend on what we have, how we look or where we live. Share how can we teach our children that their worth is infinite!

September 2015: Disciplining- How to Remain Calm Amidst the Chaos 
Overwhelmed. Tired. Frustrated. Screaming. Tantrum. How on earth do parents maintain their sense of calm when disciplining their children amid all the chaos of life?

October 2015: Raising children to be leaders
As parents we don’t want our children to follow the norms and practices of this world. We want them to think for themselves and to inspire other to do what is right.

November 2015: Parenting a strong-willed child
Parenting is no easy business and it often times seems ten times worse when a strong-willed child is thrown into the mix. How do parents of strong-willed children cope? What advice can we share with parents?

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