Don’t Just Look, but Taste

When I was a teenager I remember how much I loved to eat. It was an added bonus that my metabolism was through the roof and I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted and how much I wanted!

Food was something I loved.

During those teenage years, many people eat a lot. Their bodies are growing a lot and they need the nutrition to promote and sustain that healthy growth period.

But can you imagine, if during that growth period, the teenager just simply collected the food they needed and looked at it? Would looking at the food be a benifit to them?

Indeed not!

As a teen I didn’t simply want to look at my food or smell my food, I wanted to eat it. The inviting smell and lovely presentation were things that attracted me to the food, but didn’t stop there.

I wanted to taste the food and eat the food and enjoy the food! Having it yo look at was pointless if I couldn’t eat it.

Psalm 34:8 tells us:

“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him”

Many of us want to have God but we don’t want to taste Him.

When we taste Him we will see that He is good.

When we taste and consume Him, we will receive the benefits of who He is into our souls.

Just like it is impossible to receive the benefits of the best food by looking at it and not eating it, it us impossible for us to receive the benefits of God without consuming Him.

O taste…

We need to let God in. We need Him assimilated into our lives; this is when the benefits come.

So today, taste and see that God is good. He will not disappoint! More than this, He will surpass all of your expectations for He is not simply Good, He is that best and all thasst we need!

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Remove the Thorns

There are so many beautiful plants that we can admire their beauty. There are even some that have wonderful medicinal properties. But alas, the thorns covering them are a hindrance to humans and animals consuming them. Scientists would tell us that the thorns are defense mechanisms against predictors and pests; and this might very well be true.

But, in the perfect world that God created, this was not so. There was no need to defend against pests and predictors because everything was in perfect harmony. It is because of the imperfection of sin that there are thorns.

Many of us have thorns on our hearts.

Our hearts are covered with these thorns which hurt others and even ourselves.

But when we come to God, He removes the thorns from our hearts. In place of thorny hearts, we are given soft, beautiful hearts which do not cause hurt to others.

Today, let us choose to have God remove the thorns from our hearts so that others can be attracted to our beauty, because we have allowed God to make us beautiful.

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