Finding Hope When Life Sucks

I just read a post from Nancy over on There Is Grace.

It truly touched me as she wrote about her faith in a God despite the return of her cancer. My heart goes out to her and her family as they face this. But I am so glad that she knows who to face this with-God.

Even though she did not ask, I feel compelled to ask all those who feel moved by the Spirit of God to offer up a prayer on Nancy’s behalf. The bible tells us:

James 5:16 The Message

The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.

Here’s a little of what Nancy wrote

“…we got a call a few hours later. The radiologist had noticed “a suspicious spot” under my arm that had increased in size since the last scan. So back I went for a biopsy.

The biopsy confirmed it was the same type of tumor that was removed from my leg in 2010. After almost three years, I could no longer say I was “cancer free.”

They immediately ordered a round of scans: more CTS, PET, MRI. The scans showed two other tumors in different locations. The cancer had not only returned, it had spread.

…There have been a lot of questions, a lot of prayers, and a lot of emotions. But in the midst of it all, God has given us peace. It didn’t come right away, and it hasn’t always been easy to hold on to, but it’s there, because God is there…walking every step of this journey with us.”

click here to read the entire story and be inspired by her faith and testimony of God’s love, power and grace.

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5 Responses to Finding Hope When Life Sucks

  1. LuAnn Braley says:

    Sending up prayers for Nancy and her family and giving thanks for /you/ for passing along this privilege to pray for a sister in Christ.

  2. Thank you for sharing my story and for asking for prayer on our behalf. We are truly honored, and humbled, by each and every prayer. We believe strongly in the power of prayer and have felt the covering of every one of them. Thank you!

  3. Julie Harris says:

    I am lifting Nancy up in prayer.

  4. Mary Gemmill says:

    i WILL JOIN YOU IN PRAYER- THAT VERSE is so powerful and true. God LOVES your heart, sister 🙂

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